
We have been made aware of a scam that is being executed using names of our pastors and the church. This particular scam from these corrupt individuals have claimed in an email to people that the church is hosting an event on June 5, 6 and 7th this year. It’s called the “Rise Again Seminar”.

The email address of the people executing this is pastorantwan@gmail.com & Edward Smith Kline via revolutionchurch@minister.com. Please note this is a scam.

Let me say this:

  1. I’ll never call any seminar “Rise Again”. That sucks!
  2. Any email communication from myself or the church will always come from our domain @revolutionchurch.co.za and NOT @gmail or @minister or anything else
  3. I don’t refer to myself as Pastor Antwan and I don’t expect anyone to refer to me as Pastor Antwan. If people want to refer to me as Pastor Antwan, it’s not a problem but, I’ll never set up an email address or social media names for myself using the name Pastor Antwan. There is nothing wrong with referring people to people as Pastors or Ministers and as a sign of respect I’ll refer to others as Pastors or Ministers but for myself, I’m Antwan or “baby” for my wife.
  4. Any seminars or conferences hosted by us will be mentioned on the website. At this moment in time we have no nothing planned for 2015.
  5. Please contact us immediatley if you are made aware of scams using the names of our church or our pastors.
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